Tell me how you’d save the world, I’ll tell you who you are…

Djinn Carrénard
2 min readMar 11, 2024


When a Utopian gets to a party

It starts like this, you’re at a party, you meet a stranger. That person sounds smart, that person looks good, you know what? You’re interested. Well picture me as your garden angel leaning in to your good ear and whispering the following question to ask that stranger: “How would you save the world?”

Here are the 3 types of answer you might receive:

The world doesn’t need saving

Well this one will be short. That person just doesn’t perceives the urgency of our times, everything is perfect. You’re going to have fun for a few days, weeks maybe, months if the weather is good. But one day, you’re going to be reading on google news how some human beings are getting tortured a few timezones from you without the press making a fuss out of it. As you look up from your phone, infuriated, your gaze will fall on his/her/their peaceful face enjoying some stupidly entertaining activity. Your politeness will keep you from disturbing the peace, but you’ll feel a mix of hatred, and a sense of wasted time.

The world will be saved by violence

Hear me out: it doesn’t matter their skin color, economic background, leftist, right wing… if someone believes that another war, another violent revolution, another wall, another prison is what can solve the world’s problem, what does it say about who they are deep down? There is this saying, I believe from West Africa that goes “only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize that not all problems are solvable with violence”. Well I’m pretty sure these type of people would try violence and loose a nut. This might even be their presidential slogan should they run office “Try Violence and loose a nut”.

It might sounds corny, but I think that empathy and understanding…

Attahuman ! You’ve just spotted an Utopian. Find a secluded spot where you can escape together, and start plotting, laugh at the absurdity of the world, play pranks on bigots, forget all national anthems, and practice. Practice showering the worst human beings with love because one day, Utopians shall inherit the Earth and love will be their only weapon to maintain power.



Djinn Carrénard

Haitian filmmaker trying to stay optimistic in a sinking world